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Artwork by © Bob Jones / Documented by © Amelie Losier

Installation of the work "Cmd Shift 4", Haus am Kleistpark, Berlin


Group exhibition Un_erhört. Wie sich die Vulva heute Gehör verschafft! at Rudolf-Scharpf-Galerie im Wilhelm-Hack-Museum 11.10. – 15.12.2024


"Obwohl die Vulva als äußerer Teil des weiblichen* Geschlechts in den letzten Jahren auf motivischer und sprachlicher Ebene immer mehr Präsenz und Sichtbarkeit gewinnen konnte, ist sie in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung wie auch in der Kunst weiterhin kaum präsent. Die Ausstellung versammelt daher zeitgenössische Künstler*innen, die sich mit Themen wie Empowerment, Sexualität, Kulturhistorie oder Menstruation der positiven Wiederaneignung und Sichtbarmachung der Vulva verschreiben. Dabei sollen nicht nur Scham und Tabus reduziert, sondern auch empowernde Momente geschaffen werden"

Curated by Anne Hörz

Zara Alexandrova | Amae | Pascale Eiberle | Christiane Fichtner | Sophie Fladt | Bob Jones | Petra Mattheis |   Zoë Claire Miller | Rosa Roedelius | Helga Schager | Marina Stiegler | Sophia Süßmilch | Myriam Thyes | Michelle Verhoeks | Betty Wimmer


Solo exhibition Beyond me at Galerie im Tempelhof Museum 2.2. – 14.4.2024


Solo exhibition Beyond me at Galerie im Tempelhof Museum 2.2. – 14.4.2024

"The photo artist Bob Jones deals with the diverse interrelations of identity, body and societal role. The exhibition 'Beyond me' draws from works between 2016 and today, which, on the one hand, relate to the artist's dealing with their own body and on the other hand, reflect on the impact of societal norms. Traditional ways of (women*) depictions are deconstructed and met with irony in order to develop new perspectives on the question of one's position within society."

Curated by Diana Thun



Nominated for the 9th Merck award of the Darmstadt Days of Photography 2023 at Designhaus Mathildenhöhe

"[...] 'the 'Merck-Preis' is one of the most important awards in the field of contemporary photography in Germany and radiates far beyond our city limits,' says Tanja Zocher, responsible for cultural sponsoring at the Darmstadt based science and technology company Merck."

Curated by the team of the 12th Darmstadt Days of Photography

Nominated were Axel Beyer | Johanna-Maria Fritz | Maximilian Glas | Juliane Herrmann | Jan Hottmann | Bob Jones | Ille Oelhaf | Hanna Sass | Martina Sauter | Aleksandra Sawa | Sari Schildt | Mika Sperling | Mouneb Taim


Recipient of the 19th Art Award of Haus am Kleistpark 2022

"As part of the promotion of artists, the Haus am Kleistpark offers an annual art award endowed with 5000 euros. Under the title HaK Lab, the large exhibition hall opens as a space for artistic experimentation or artistic experience. On display are works from all areas of the visual arts that combine contemporary relevant themes with innovative concepts."

Curated by Barbara Esch Marowski at Haus am Kleistpark

Yasmin Alt | Felix Baxmann | Nils Blau | Ab van Hanegem | Ulrike Hannemann | Bob Jones (award winner) | Ingar Krauss | Nina Maria Küchler | Una H. Moehrke | Christian Pilz | Hannah Rath | Sonya Schönberger | Christina Stark | Johannes Vogl | Johannes Weilandt | Silja Yvette


Group exhibition TRANSITIONS: Protest Cultures and Digital Worlds in Transition at Museum für Photographie Braunschweig


"Currently, many phenomena of transition are emerging in society: [...]

What role can artistic photography play in these different processes of change? What kind of representation does it pursue? Does it actively participate and take a stand or does it remain a distanced observer? Does it transform the means of fast-moving digital communication or the process of change itself into components of the artistic work?"

Curated by Franziska Habelt & Finn Schütt at Museum für Photographie Braunschweig

Julia Autz | Daniel Chatard | Bob Jones | Georg Kußmann | Igor Samolet | Kristina Savutsina | Jakob Schnetz | Yorgos Yatromanolakis

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